Monday, June 30, 2008
The weekend in review
Friday night
I ended work in Arlington with a 2 hour meeting that sucked away my will to stay awake. I could barely keep my eyes open. I drove home like a zombie and proceeded to immediately get in bed. I just thought I would sleep for 20 minutes. 2 hours later, Cherry calls and wakes me up. I run and shower and get downtown in 30 minutes. Pretty impressive, but I'm pretty low maintenance.
We get dinner at Mai's, which I haven't been to in ages and then go over to Jason's band's show. They were good Afterwards, we run next door and dance for a couple of hours at Fallout. I love Fallout on Friday nights. I also love old Michael Jackson. PYT, Ani are You OK, She's Got Me Working Day and Night. I can dance to them all. Throw in some Smiths and Cheap Trick and I'm good to go.
Cherry asks at 1 am if we can go to Adairs. I'm like ok, why not. We have some very fun gay escourts tag along and rumble over. Somehow we end up at the bar next to this really hot guy who keeps asking me to dance. This is where I point out that I can't dance. Not with a guy holding me and swinging me all over the floor. Nope, can't do it. But this poor guy took me out there three times. I just kept telling him I was sorry.
This is also where I point out that if I find someone incredibly attractive, I can't talk to them. And as many people know, I can talk to a wall. This guy is talking about riding horses, and I ask if he has English and Western saddles. He just gives me this look like I've grown four heads and says "i don't ride English". Of course he doesn't. He is a cowboy. I physically forced myself to shut up.
The place closes at two and we drag our butts out of there. I know I have a very very early wake up time. I get Cherry home, and set my alarm.
I then wake up 4 hours later.
I was hurting. Hurting so bad. I pick up Elizabeth, and we drive 3 hours to Austin. Ohhhh. Not good. Some Czech Stop kolaches helped. But damn!!
Jennifer takes us in and gets some real food in me. She takes us to Lockhart for some BBQ. Oh Black's was heaven. I ate a full 1/2 pound of brisket. I was in a meat coma the rest of the day.
Its so weird to me how I spent years of my childhood making fun of all things Texas, and in one 24 hour period, I was at a country bar dancing and then eating BBQ. I fear this stuff is in the blood.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Fork in the road
Houston had one of it whirlwind thunderstorms. The sky turns green and trees almost fall over due to the wind. Of course, all flights out of both airports were delayed.
One of our bosses was on the 4:30 and it was delayed until 7:30. She was driving her rental car back to Dallas. We decided to check on ours. The phone said our 5:30 was only delayed until 6:20. We knew it was too good to be true, but we had come to a decision time:
1) Drive 4-5 hours back to Dallas through Houston traffic in a rental pontiac with not great AC or
2) Continue on to the airport where we could possibly have a two hour delay, yet have wifi availability and our choice of dinner at Pappasitos or Pappadeaux.
We chose option number two. Timing couldn't have been better. Our flight had been delayed to 7, we only had to wait 10 minutes for a table at Pappadeaux, and I got to relax and drink a beer.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I
I took the more fun and relaxing fork
And that made all the difference
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wheels up
Me - Ok people. I will be down in the lobby at 7:50 and wheels up to go to the client at 8:00.
My boss - Wheels up? Wheels up? Who are you?
Me - Just trying to sound cute and not bitchy.
My boss - Your driving a Pontiac, not a jet. Get over it.
Stephen (other peon in the car) - I thought it sounded cute.
Me - Thanks Stephen
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Then I checked in. They asked if I would like an upgrade for free. Of course I said yes. Last year at this time, I had been upgraded to a junior suite. Why not?
I walked into my room to discover that it was connected to the swimming pool. It has a whole little outside patio with a bunch of chairs and a grill with a view of Downtown. I dragged my computer out there last night and stole wifi from the apartment building next door. I stayed up late working, but at least it was a nice view.
Anyway, I fully expect my butt to be much much smaller later today. Its about to be chewed! Just need to make it through to friday.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Some type of sign

Back in the fall, I let anyone who wanted to pick pecans off my lawn. I have five trees. There is no way I would ever be able to use all the pecans they produce. One of my neighbors, Mr. Kalich, would leave me bags of shelled pecans on my front doorstep. It was his way of saying thanks. He wrote me a nice note once introducing himself. I had saved it for a long time, and it had become a bookmark for a book on my coffee table.
Anyway, being the genius that I am, I took said book and bookmark on a plane a couple of weeks ago and proceeded to leave it in the back of the seat in front of me. I have this awful habit of finishing a book on a plane and just forgetting about it when I get off. I was kicking myself this time because I wanted that letter.
I go home, and I find that night on my front porch a back of veggies and potatoes with an address sticker for Mr. Kalich. Every week now, I have been getting bags of garden goodies on my front door step. I'm thinking it was some type of sign with the letter. I was saving it because I wanted it as a reminder about how good people can be, but there in front of me was real physicial evidence.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Nothing like a good korma
Usually, I will drag someone to India Palace. It's the standby, and it's only 5 minutes from my house. This past weekend we tried out Saffron House. We being me and the madre who was in town for about a day.
What a revelation! What a great restaurant. Its tucked away in Addison, south of Beltline just off Montfort. Most of the people were in the parking lot for Mercy and Blue Mesa, but they missed out.
We ordered the chicken saag and lamb korma. The two usuals. We also added in this eggplant dish because mom felt like we needed a veggie I'm not into veggies. I think I probably only have about one serving a week, at most. But I agreed.
Nirvana on a plate. That was it. Absolute nirvana. The flavors just melded together so well. We didn't even talk through dinner, and I don't know if you have seen me and my mother, but if we are together no one else can usually get a word in. I was almost licking the plate with my naan at the end.
Highly highly recommend. The food was spicy, but it was tasty spicy. Not the kind that just hurts your mouth and makes you cry. It was spicy delicious!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hovel away from home

This is my desk. I have a thing for not filing anything horizontally. I like to file vertically. It might look messy, but I can find anything in that stack to the left of my computer. Also, you can just see the tip of my Herman Miller chair. They upgraded everyone last year. Its a nice chair, but I still hunch over the computer like Hashimoto.
Yes, this is my life right now and for the next week. Right here, in this corner. This is when I kind of start thinking "i would really like to meet someone nice and not weird or with any issues who could just take care of me for a bit, cuz I'm kinda getting tired." But by the end of next week when this period is over, I will slap myself around, go buy myself a nice dinner, and get over it.