Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Enough of me to go round?

For the last month or so I have been contemplating getting another animal. While I love love love dogs, I have to admit that I'm not responsible enough. I just can't make the final commitment there.

So, I dropped the subject for a while, and then...

Last week I went ot lunch with a vendor contact, and at the end she looked at me and asked if I was an animal lover. The next thing you know she is showing me pictures of a little tabby kitty she rescued that is 8 weeks old, and I melted.

I really don't need another cat.

My current cat is very used to and happy with her situation.

I haven't had to deal with a kitten in years and years.

But, of course I said yes. I'm picking up the little bugger on Wednesday. I stayed up late last night researching on the internet kitten care and how to introduce a kitten to an older cat.

I'm seriously crossing my fingers my Penny doesn't take out the new addition to the family. We are going to baby step it and put the kitten in another room and gradually bring her out.

I want to give the baby kitty a good home, and the girl who rescued it said if it doesn't work out, she will always take it back. So, I do have a backup plan.

Who knows, Penny might have some deeply hidden mothering needs or something. (I seriously highly doubt this, but one can dream.)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Worst cat mommy ever

Currently, I'm in a state of house overhaul. I just got it into my head that I needed to fix up some things. So, I'm fixing them all up at the same time. I put new doors on, I retiled my bathroom floor, I updated the backyard, etc.

The problem is everything is going in piecemeal, and now I'm stuck doing all the clean up work. Case in point: my new front and back doors. We popped them in over a month ago, and I'm finally getting to caulking the edges, painting the frame, and staining the new boards on the floor. I have never stained before. This has turned into a new adventure.

I started on Sunday with the actual stain. That was easy easy. The house smelled a little bit, but I didn't really take note of it. Then according to instructions I had to put on a clear coat. They warned that would really stink. I thought I would put a coat on and then go to running class. No big deal.

Well, as some may remember, I live with a cat, who had the joy of being locked up wiht the clear coat fumes for 2 hours. I came home and the poor thing was high. Seriously, she was in a great place. If she could talk, she would say "hey man, I'm Jonesing for some Funyuns." I opened windows and started airing out the place. Not good.

Lesson learned. One should stain and clear coat things outside the house and not inside the house, unless you want your cat do go on a psychodelic road trip.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The heat, yeah not so much

Yes, I live in Dallas for many reasons, but not a single one is because of the weather. I hate the heat. I can deal with the two months of Spring and the two months of Fall, but the summer just about kills me. I spend most of the time in doors in the air conditioning or in someone swimming pool. Just can't stand it.

So, just imagine how happy I was last night to run a 5k in 82 degrees with humidity. I thought I was going to die. After 2.7 miles I just turned to my friend and said "we have to stop". We walked for about .2 miles and then finished it up. I could have probably ran the whole thing, but I wasn't happy. Isn't this running thing supposed to be fun? I wasn't having fun.

Our time was about 2 minutes slower then the 5k I ran back in March when it was 45 degrees. We just wooshed through that thing. It was lovely. The air was brisk. I was all bundled up.

Last night, I was sweating buckets. It was nasty. Seriously. I wouldn't let the race photographer get a picture. Really don't want to be captured red faced and dry heaving my way down the Katy Trail.

I guess this means I'm switching to running in the mornings...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pressure Washers

Ok, its official. I have the theme for my summer party. I'm going to have a pressure washer and vietnamese food party. Everyone seems to have a pressure washer. It's like they are coming out of the woodwork.
Cindi has one
Jenn has one
Malice has one
Kerry has one

Why does everyone have a pressure washer? Are they a necessary evil? Do I need one?

So, my house has four outside walls. I'm thinking I will invite over my four pressure friends plus several others, assign them a wall, and let them get to it. I will help out of course. And then afterwords, we will eat fresh spring rolls and I will have coolers of beer and wine.

I think it sounds like a great idea. And then later in the summer I can have my "lets paint my house and eat thai food party". Does anyone see a theme here???

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm not sure I Like Being an Adult

This morning I'm going to sign my paperwork on my refinance. It has taken over a month to get this thing through. I didn't know it would be so annoying. You have to sign over 1000 sheets of paper and give them all your information including the name of your first born. My mortgage guy is very sweet, but its like I'm leading him. Kept having to write him and see what was happening.

At the same time, I'm trying to finish up work in my backyard. Working with contractors has me about to pull my hair out. It was all hurry up and pick us, and then it takes 3 weeks to pour and stain the concrete, and then he immediately wants all his money. I love how they can work as slow as possible, but you have to give them money ASAP.

I want to pressure wash the outside of the house. I want to paint the outside of the house. And so on, and so on. Its like the thing with the house never ends.