Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Saturday afternoon while I was relaxing off my food coma at my friend Jennifer's, I rediscovered the beauty that is cable. Ohhhh cable, how I love thee. You show good TV shows and movies all the time. We watched "The Invasion" for a little bit. Not a very good movie. I believe it was a remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" starring Nicole Kidman. We had issues with her the whole movie. She was supposed to be emotionless so that no one would infect her, and she was a huge ball of nerves. I mean she was the worst emotionless person ever!!

Anyway, I was having a conversation at dinner last night about a friend who had gotten married not too long ago, and quite honestly, it was one of those "invasion of the body snatchers" marriages. We never saw or heard from her again. She seemed to take on this whole new life of married. All her new friends were married and they were on co-ed athletic teams together. And you know I've seen them out with their married friends, and they are all blond and cute and excessively happy.

I don't know. I know tons of other people who seem to be able to handle marriage and friends. I don't want to lose myself to someone. Maybe that's my problem. It's not a fear of commitment per se, but rather a fear of becoming a freak from outer space with no personality who is just like everyone else.



Claybert said...

Marriage...babies...same thing happens.

chris said...

If it's any consolation, I already think you're a freak from outer space and you're not even married.

Victoria is only a wee bit crazy said...

Hmm. Someone seems to be defensive lately...