Thursday, July 10, 2008

My cave

Years and years ago I had a friend Jenn who trully believed in the book "Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus". She dated according to the book. We all thought she was crazy, but she hooked herself an internal medicine resident at 22 and was married 6 months later. Maybe she knew what she was doing.

Anyway, she gave me a discourse once on how since time began, when men were tired or in a bad mood, they need to retreat to their cave. They need a minute by themselves to figure things out, detox, relax, and being women, we usually don't take this well because we want to talk to them and help. So, we are supposed to back off and let them hibernate until they are ready for us again.

Hmm. I don't really think this only applies to men. I cave all the time. Last night, I caved. My bedroom is my cave I'm guessing. I turn the house down to cold, which right now is 75, pull up the duvet and a good book and just curled up. I don't want to deal with anything or anyone.

The book of the moment which I picked up at the airport and finished last night was "Richistan". It talked about the lives of the uber wealthy. I was fascinated to see how people live and spend their money. I say I won't be like that when I make my million, but my ability to conspiculously spend as I've gotten older has really grown.

Tonight when I cave, I'm going to bring in my computer and maybe do some budgeting!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I love to cave. Although I've been at home a ton lately, it hasn't been quality cave time. Work keeps finding me. I wonder how my boss would react to me demanding a time out.