Sunday, January 25, 2009

I have been remiss

This week was hard. I just couldn't bring myself to blog. It was one of those work weeks. I was onsite at a client, and they provided our food for the three days. I seriously survived on doritos and coke. It was the only edible thing.

You can really tell a difference when you go from a healthy diet to total crap food. I was completely dragging. I kept saying every night that I was going to work out. I was going to run.

Did I? No.

I just wanted to go to my room, eat, and cash out. For 8 hours I would be on. I would be smiley, smart consultant Victoria, which is fine, but its draining!!

So now I get to go back to the office and pick up the pieces.

One good thing that happened. I was told by a couple of people I looked really good and fit. I guess this running thing, when I actually do it, is working.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need to go running tonight too. I'm just drained... flying cross country is just exhausting, especially when you have a boy's hockey team on one flight and screaming, spoiled 2 y.o. twins on the other (4+ hours of it!!).

Less than 3 weeks, can you believe it?!!