The newest member of the household moved in, and its been interesting, to say the least.
My friend saved a mama cat from a shelter and was looking for homes for the four kittens. I decided I could take another one in.
I brought Violet home last Wednesday night, and poor thing was completely scared out of her mind. I put her in the back bedroom and she hid. I came in with a book and read, and she came out from under the bed a bit, but she was still figuring things out.
Lets just say, by Friday, Violet has figured out that humans are the most wonderful things in the world, especially me. She just wants me in the room with her. She runs around and completely tires herself out, and then comes over for some pets and a cuddle. Its really sweet, BUT its kind of upsetting to the senior feline member of the household, Penny. I think Penny could take it ok when she could ignore the thing in the other room, but the thing not only meows at the door, but now she puts her nose and paws under the door trying to get out. You really can't ignore that.
And so, the hissing begins.
I try to share my time between the two of them, but its a bit much. I can't let Violet out of her room until she has been to the vet tomorrow, and she wants out DESPERATELY. She reinacts escape from Alcatraz whenever I open the bedroom door.
Tomorrow night, Violet gets to room the house. Cross your fingers Penny doesn't attack her.
I've got similar worries about by pending new arrival and the established alpha girl in our household. Let me know how it goes.
Violet is soooo cute! I love her already. Gosh, it so makes me want to get another kitty.
The picture is precious, she looks so sweet!!
Violet looks a lot like our cat Sterling when she was a kitten. I think we're only going to do one at a time, though. Sterling had roommates the first 8-9 years of her life, now she adores being an only cat!
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