Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Early this morning, I get a notice from Facebook that my friend Andy from Michigan had accepted my friend request. I was so excited. I trully loved Andy. He was married to my old roommate Erica.

So, when I get on Facebook, imagine how happy I am when he connects to me via chat and wants to talk. I ask him how he is, and he says he isn't doing so good. He then explains he was robbed at gunpoint in London. I was aghast. I couldn't believe it.

He then says they took his phone and his credit card, but left his passport. His flight home is in a couple of hours, but he is having issues with the hotel. He can't get the bill paid. He wanted me to send him some money. He said he would refund it.

Immediately, my hackles came up. I haven't spoken to Andy in years, and he is contacting me over Facebook and wants me to send him money??? So, I go into detective mode. I start asking him how he is using a computer. He says he is at the library. I ask if his company has travel people he can speak to. I ask if he has called his family.

He responds that he has heard from some of his family, but they could only get enough money to pay for his return ticket. I'm again thinking, this is just wrong. Andy is very professional. Why would he buy a one way ticket to London?

Finally, I ask him about his mom. I know his mother would do anything for him and spend anything. I say why isn't she helping. He says she is waiting for a check to clear, and she is flat broke. Ok, lie lie lie. His mom is loaded. She lives in Lee Iacoca's house, the one he lived in when he turned around Chrysler. And she is waiting for a check to clear??

That is when I told him he was not Andy and to please leave me alone.

Afterwards, he dropped he as a friend on Facebook and dissappeared. I sent an email to Andy and his wife while I was having this conversation just to double check, but I hadn't heard back. I started having doubts. What if Andy's mom had lost everything due to the autos? Etc.

Andy wrote me back about ten minutes later and announced he was working from his couch in Okemos, Michigan and was doing A OK. He thanked me for the hack update. He said he is never on Facebook and someone, somehow got in, and changed the email address. So, even he can't get in and fix it.

Seriously, how awful are some people??


Kerry Sumpter Smith said...

that is the craziest story ever! The hacker has way too much time on his hands!

The Bellweathers said...

good detective work victoria. maybe we need a code-word in case i ever hit you up for $? ;)

Jane said...

This could only happen to you. Craziness!