Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm having a bad day

and its only 8:45. How is that possible?

I'm not going to go over all the events, but I think the thing that affected me the most was I drove over as squirrel. I know I've probably driven over one before, but this morning, for some reason, it got to me. I was speeding down Coit. Speeding because I was half an hour behind schedule. So, the squirrel pulls out in the middle of the street and sees all the oncoming traffic. He/she doesn't know what to do, so they stop. Just stop. And then as I'm driving by, he/she decides to run under my car. I knew what I had done after I had done it.

I'm just not happy. Why did I have to kill something today. That is just not a good omen. Not good at all.

And I get int to a pissy email from one boss and a pissy phone call from another. I still don't get why I have about 5 bosses, but that is a subject for another blog.

Oh well. I think I deserve cheesy Mexican tonight.


Anonymous said...

he (the squirrel) could have been sick and had a death wish - so maybe you did him a favor??


Anonymous said...

That day sounds more like a cheesy fries day...


Victoria is only a wee bit crazy said...

I agree, but I had a Mexican dinner scheduled with a client. And I'm supposed to be on a health kick, but that lasted all of 2 days.