Sunday, December 21, 2008

Two extremes

Friday. It took my a couple of days, but I finally got my stomach ready for Friday.

First off, I had my work groups lunch. My boss had decided to have us do something fun and picked Cowboy Chow in Deep Ellum. My real problem with Deep Ellum is that there are always twists and turns to get there, and you have to find parking. I luckily can find my way around, but I ended up navigating most of the rest of the group.

Cowboy Chow. In a nutshell, good, but not spectacular. There is an awful lot of chopped brisket around. They had these chips covered in a cheesy sauce for appetizers, and then a bunch of taco and sandwhiches for main courses. The only dessert was cookies. And they don't have their liquor license yet. So, we BYOB'ed it. It was a fun place for a get together, but I don't know if I will deal with Deep Ellum for it.

I say all that about how Deep Ellum annoys me, and then I go back there for dinner. Local. It was a final friends dinner before Christmas. IT WAS SO GOOD. Its always good there. I went a bit different this time. I got the champagne cocktail with the little dollops of grapefruit sorbet in it. And then the appetizers began. They brought fried green beans, butternut squash soup, crab cakes, and pumpkin ravioli. I eventually ate it all. Oh, it was good

Soup was just what I needed. All warm and creamy. I think that was my favorite. I've become a bit of a soupaholic lately. Hits the spot on cold days!

Overall a good food day, but a bit much. My poor tummy was groaning a bit. I slowed down on Saturday and took it easy.


Kerry Sumpter Smith said...

Good to hear about cowboy chow, it had been on my list but I think it will wait... I did try Twisted Root, it was okay too. Angry Dog has a better burger.

Anonymous said...

Hi there

Awesome post, just want to say thanks for the share