Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Carcinoma in situ

Saturday, I stumbled out of the house to actually get my hair cut. I was supposed to have a massage too, but I cancelled that. I was still experiencing post nasal drip, and I was just imagining lying on my stomach on the massage table with my head through the hole dripping. Not a pretty picture.

Mid way through the haircut, my hairgirl asks if I've noticed that my hair has thinned on the sides. Uhh, no. She said its definately much thinner then the last time she cut it and can even see spots where it used to be. I start to internally freak out. On the outside I'm like "its no big deal" but inside I'm screaming. She laughs and says my hair is so thick anyway she is sure no one will notice.

My mind just starts thinking. Within the past month two women I work with who haven't seen me in a while comment on how they like my new hairstyle. I say thanks but its not new. I haven't gotten it cut in months.

Did my hairstyle look new because its thinner?

Then my hairstylists asks "do you have a thyroid problem? Sometimes that causes thinning." A thyroid problem??? No, I don't think so, but maybe I do. Maybe its cancer. Maybe I have a tumor.

Seriously, the whole drive home I'm looking at my head in the rear view mirror. I probably almost killed 5 people on the road worrying about my hair. I dropped the cancer theory when I realized you lose hair with chemo and not the actual cancer.

I looked at my head at home and it appeared to be fine, the 10 times a day I studied it in the mirror.

Why does this upset me so much? No clue. I guess its my inner mini narcissist.


Kerry Sumpter Smith said...

That would totally freak me out!!! I think that you're fine... but if you're worried you could always get your thyroid levels checked out...?

chris said...

It's not a tumah!

Bad joke. Couldn't hold back.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say but my first guess is, age. Over the last 5 years, my hair has gotten a lot thinner and it just doesn't want to grow beyond what it is today. I used to have hair down below the middle of my back and no can do anymore. Age is a real bitch!!!

Anonymous said...

This would be a perfect opportunity for me to try to sell you on BeautiControl Thicken Thin shampoo...but I'll bite my tongue. :P

I think it is an age thing, too. Every time I wash my hair lately, it seems like I'm washing more and more of it down the drain.

P.S. I got your book thing in the mail today. I'm totally in!!

Anonymous said...

I think you'll be HOT bald!

Classy&Sassy said...

Cool blog and thanks for linking to mine! (DallasEats)

I am a former hairdresser - and, in addition to that, I went through the same thing you did. Have your thyroid checked. It's no biggie and it's easily corrected with a tiny little pill every day. You could be having other subtle symptoms, too, that will clear up with treatment. No worries :)

Victoria is only a wee bit crazy said...

Hmmm. I went and had other blood work done last week, but it was a basic metabolic panel. Wondering if I could go into the Primacare and request a thyroid test. No harm in asking...

I love your blog. I love reading about food!!