Monday, September 22, 2008

My equilibrium is shot

Friday night I agreed to tromp over to Addison and partake in Octoberfest. It was not what I expected at all. It was a fair. I walked past the midway and all the bright lights, and I got so excited. I love rides. Love them love them.

I ran over to the Bier Garten (Beer Garden) and asked if we could go on the Ferris Wheel. My friends who I was meeting up with said they wanted to eat first. So, we had some of Chamberline's roast pork on a potato pancake, very good. I also had some of the skillet potatoes and a beer. Actually, besides the massive amounts of salt I ingested, it was an overall good meal.

Finally, we walked over to the rides. We decided to go on the swings first. I was stoked. I love love love rides. But I should point out, it has been a while since I had ridden them.

At the time we were swiming around, I was in nirvana. All the bright lights against the dark sky. The feeling of weighlessness. It was fantastic. Like flying.

And then the ride stopped, and we hobbled off. I was feeling a little weird. My head had a knot in it, and I just wasn't feeling that good. I had to sit down. Within five minutes, I was running for the port o potty. Oh, it was bad! Not as bad as my first Austin City Limit were I passed out outside the port o potty from heat stroke, but pretty up there.

I just felt awful. What had happened? Was I officially old? I stated right then and there no more rides for me. I went to bed around 1 and didn't wake up until almost noon on Saturday and my head and body were still messed up. The rest of the weekend I had that inner cloudy feeling.

I want my childhood back!

1 comment:

chris said...

haha. First rule of Oktoberfest. Stick to the beer!