Thursday, September 4, 2008

I should have knocked on wood

I received my second jury summons of the year. I went 33 years without one, and then bang, I get two. I have to call them up and reschedule because I'm supposed to be in Houston that day.

I don't get this. Jury duty isn't something awful, but it is a real waste of the day. The process takes hours and could really be done in 20 minutes.

Step 1 - have everyone show up in jury pool
Step 2 - have everyone peel off to their respective jury rooms
Step 3 - racially profile everyone in the room
Step 4 - pick jury

Honestly, that is what they are doing. They ask a bunch of questions, but really in the end, they pick the jury that would best benefit their side.

I am looking at it as a good time to catch up on my reading.

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