Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Haunting

My grandfather clock has been up and running for 5 days now, and it's terrorizing my poor cat Penny. She doesn't go into the living room anymore unless I'm there. She seems to be living on my bed. It's kind of sad. She used to love the living room. She had her own special dent in the couch and her own spot in the window.

I think its the chimes on the hour. They wake her up. Also, I think the clock is slightly haunted. I'm used to it. I grew up with it, but I think things are just freaking her out a bit too much. I think over time she will work her way back into the living room. Last night I found her asleep in the hallway. Baby steps.

Talking about haunting, I seem to be haunted by my exes from years past. Its actually quite intriguing. I keep getting these texts where I don't recognize the number. So, I have to ask who it is. They are all a bit pissy that I don't still have their number. Excuse me but its been years. Why would I still have your number??

By all I mean two people. I don't know why these two. I think one was a drunkin booty call, which is just sad. The other really wants to be friends. I'm not sure about that. You get to know someone too well when you date.

Hmm, still contemplating.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

All you need is a good pair of heels

The past couple of days flew by so fast, I haven't really had a minute to catch my breath or process. I think my brain is still working so hard when I put my head down, that it takes hours for me to fall asleep.

Friday I babysat for my friend Shandi. Her babysitter went AWOL six weeks ago, and she needed a night alone with the hubby. I tromped over and spent four hours with a three year old and a one year old. After the fact, I can say I respect all single mothers and bow down to your glory. Luckily, half the night was spent in the backyard watching the boys drive around in circles in the three year olds new electric jeep.

By 8, the one year old hit a wall and started wailing. It took half an hour to get him to calm down and into his pajamas, this was after a fake bath because I just didn't have the energy for a real one. Then the three year old wanted to watch a Clifford cartoon. This caused a bit of a problem because I was unable to read the buttons on the Tivo since they had been wore away from use. I couldn't work th thing. I ended up calling the Sumpter-Smiths and having them walk me through it. Kerry just kept laughing, but this was an urgent matter. I didn't want another crying kid.

The three year old finally went down and Shandi came home a while later. We had some wine and I detoxed.

Saturday was just long. I got up early to meet the clock guy. He helped me unpacked my grandfather's grandfather clock and got it running. It started ringing immediately. We looked up the maker and found the clock is from 1760. Not bad. (Editors note: while writing this, i just realized i forgot to wind it this morning, damn)

Then it was off to the grocery store to buy a shopping cart full of food for dinner, hooping class, and finally back home to meet Renu.

The next two hours were a whirlwind of cooking. We made 3 indian dishes and my stove really got a workout. We discovered that if I have all my appliances working at once, this includes the dishwasher, I break the kitchen circuit. Lesson learned. Broke the damn thing like 3 times.

Renu leaves and then I go to baking. I make a blackberry/rasberry pie and a chocolate chip cheesecake. Both come out pretty good. Then people show up. By this point, I have not really sat down since 8 am. By midnight when dinner is over, I am a zombie. I just crash.

I make the mistake of napping on Sunday between cleaning up the kitchen and now have a completely thrown off sleep pattern. Its killing me.

I put on a really cool yet slightly uncomfortable pair of high heels. I'm hoping the pintching keeps me awake through my client meetings this afternoon.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dallas is a damn small town

Sometimes, I just don't get it. Dallas has millions of people in it. They are running around, conducting their daily lives, going to Olive Garden and shopping at Target. The usual.

So how is it that my life keeps intersecting with certain other peoples constantly, AND, its stuff completely unplanned. And don't tell me it's the bars I hang out and the restaurants I go to. Lately, I've been hoveled up in the hood.

Seriously, I date one guy and then we no longer date, because that is the story of my life, and the next thing you know we have 6 degrees of separation between us. Prior to dating him, I wouldn't have know him from anyone or figured we had anything in common, but now, we have 50 million people in common that connect us.

Ok, what is someone trying to tell me. WHAT?? I will do whatever you seek. Stop the madness.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where can I get me one of these???

Cherry always makes fun of me and my love of the metrosexual male. I swear I really really try to go for the rough and tough manly man, but I end up with the pretty boy who either has better hair then me or an extensive collection of shoes. I don't know why I keep attracting these guys.

Joel, my favorite DJ, sent me this link, and I sat in my cube salivating. That is exactly what I need. A man that cooks. I would totally be up for being wooed by a chef. How wonderful would that be?

I was very proud that I made salmon on Tuesday. Somehow, I'm preparing a whole Indian Feast Saturday night. Cross your fingers for me. I do have a very cute Indian sous chef helping out. Actually, I think she will be doing most of the cooking, and I will be watching. Its going to take a while to air out the house after this.

Who wants left overs??

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Many many years ago I was driven to schoole very day by my big brother Alex. He had an addiction to a mix tape a girl had made for him and we listened to it daily. It was full of the Clash, the Jam, and the Sex Pistols. Looking back now, she had great taste in music. At the time, my favorite song on the mix tape was by Yazoo, Diary. Last night, I was jammed with 200 other people, mostly gay men in their early 40s, into the Lakewood Theater and sweated off 10 pounds of body weight to hear this.

Oh it was so much fun. Others in my group disagreed, but I bought tickets to this concert because I happened to know more then 1 song. Just saying. Alison's voice is still glorious and who doesn't love Vince. Vince of the huge hair and Erasure. Just fun fun fun. I was dancing the whole night.

Afterward, we acted like we were 18 and went to Sushiyama. Oh I love late night Japanese food runs. We got onigiri and cheap sushi and wasabi sumai. Hmmmm. By the time I got home at midnight, I was just done.

Oh, I miss good dancing music. I need to do that more often!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Somebody wants me to be poor

I can't quite decide if its some odd force in the universe or just me being my own worst enemy. Sometimes its mostly one or the other.

This week it was me.

I get home last night and have a message on my home phone. Luckily I checked it. I usually never check my home machine. It's the City of Richardson calling about my water bill. They leave a number for me to call back. I'm thinking "great, first time I actually go back to online bill pay I screw up one of the first bills. I probably owe them a couple of more bucks."

This morning, I get all signed in at the office and call the utilities hotline. I tell them my name and the woman says "oh yes, we need to talk to you. You know your bill was for $80.42." Yeah I knew. She said "Well, we received a check from your bank for $8,042. We think this is probably wrong and decided to hold the check until we talked to you."

My jaw hit the floor. $8000. I told her she was right and the check was wrong. I would come in and get it and tear it up and write a new one.

I went online to the bank to check who made the mistake, and I pretty much figure out, it was me. Being the genius that I am, I keyed in $8042. Duh. The check would have bounced anyway, but still.

Sometimes I am completely my own worst enemy!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

All bruised up

Back in the spring, I losened up my hips a bit and took belly dancing. I loved it! Therefore, I signed up to continue it during the summer. Unfortunately, work got in the way, and I missed the first two classes. I called up the studio and was told they could only give me credit back, which I was fine with.

The money sat in my account for a couple of weeks, and I decided I needed to do something with it. There were a ton of classes at the studio just waiting to be taken. I looked up the schedule and saw that on Saturday afternoons there was going to be a hooping class. HOOPING! I hadn't done that since junior high. And, it you signed up you got a big industrial hoop. So, I took my credit and registered for the class.

This Saturday was our first meeting. There are about 8 women in the class. We were handed our hoops and were told to start spinning. We immediately discovered who was the expert, intermediate, and remidial hoopers. Lets just say I could barely keep the hoop up at first and almost took out the woman behind me when my hoop spun off my hands, firmly placing me in the remedial group.

It was so much fun though!! Half way through the class I was really getting it and I could keep the hoop up for a couple of minutes until I had to stop because I was tired. I expected the class to be young, but I'm the youngest by about 10 years. There are a bunch of older hippy women in there, two grandmas, me and one punk rock socker mom. Punk rock is the best hooper. I swear she has done this before.

Anyway, Sunday I'm in the bathroom getting changed, and I spy on my side a small brown mark. I turn around to see it and my whole left side is covered in small bruises. I look at my right and its the same thing but worse. I knew I ached, but I didn't know I had caused bodily harm with a hoop. They are all up and down my sides. I stayed away from the pool on purpose.

This is going to be interesting. I am determined to practice with this one. Its just way too much fun. I'm still trying to master taking the hoop from over my head and walking through it, but I'll get there.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I hate Target

I'm just going to put it out there.

I went last night to get three things:
two garbage cans
a new rug

I came back from Target with three things:
a box of luna bars
a shoe rack
a new purse

I was lost and couldn't find the garbage cans. I found some but they were $90. Who pays that much for a garbage can? I found the rugs, but the light blue one wasn't the right color. I found a white shag one I thought was fun, but it was white and shag, two things that may cause utter disaster in my house. Finally, the shelving I was looking for was pretty specific. I want something I can hang my wine glasses upside down on. I'm not going to blame them for not having that.

That store just gets to me. I can't go too often because I just buy too much. Its like everything calls out my name.

They had this really cute hot pink laundry hamper I almost put in the basket. I had to talk myself out of it. My house came with built in hampers. They are one of the things I love about the bathrooms. Why oh why would I buy an additional one?? My mind kept yelling back "It's hot pink!!!"

Yes, I do not like Target. Not one bit.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


During a break on a call this morning, I had a conversation with a client about Galveston. She was talking about how its not very glamorous, but that was where she and her family go every summer for vacation the next week. I got all excited for her. I was raised going to Galveston every summer. I have the best memories from there.

Gaido's - usually an hour wait on a summer night for dinner. You spend most of the time in the gift shop trying to convince your mom to buy you a creature made out of shells that breaks on the way home

Stewart Beach - home of the world's best water slide. The mats were so big I used to always trip over them running up the hill. Then I would spend an hour riding down in every position, forward sitting, backward sitting, forward lying down, backward lying down, indian style sideways...

Steward also had the put put course. Me and the brothers spent a night standing on the edges acting like mannequins and freaking out my mom.

The Bishop's Palace - one of the many historic homes my parents dragged me through. I was just grateful for the air conditioning. This began a very long process of me being dragged into historic houses by my parents and my love of old architecture. I still don't get tear downs in the M Streets, but that is a topic for another time.

The Sea Wall - the spot where I had the most perfect afternoon. I was sitting there during lunch when I lived on the Island the summer of 1995. I was stressed and unhappy and I had just run away from work. I sat there and watched the shrimp boats which were really close to shore and behind them were swarms of dolphins just jumping. I sat there for about an hour just watching the dolphins jump.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Not Sure I'm Meant To Be Healthy

One of my vendors gave me a secret password for a free account on their website. They administer online weight management coaching. I thought it would be interesting to get online as myself and see what they have to say.

They had quite a bit to say.

First of all, I scored pretty well on their health assessment, but I need to improve my nutrition. I was a bit too honest on that section. I guess eating veggies only twice a week isn't really good for you. I just don't like them!

I first went to the diet section, and I had them create a fitness diet for me. I was in shock. They want me to eat every 3 hours from morning until bedtime, and it comes out to about 2000 calories. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? I started reading what they wanted to me eat at breakfast, and I stopped after the bagel, egg, and yogurt. I can barely get a Lara bar in me, let alone an entire meal.

So, I moved on to the exercise section. I decided to set up a cardio program. I like to think that I do a good job with cardio. I walk fast for 30 minutes 3 times a week. I put in my information, and they came up with a program for me. They want me to do interval training. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They want me to change my speed every three minutes and actually run.

I'm going to try to give this a go, but I fear I might give out after the 3rd day. 2000 calories and running. That's crazy talk.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Restaurant Week

I thought I would be a good person and actually promote Restaurant Week this year. This is mainly because I secretly found out about it last week, and made my reservations early before the meandering herd could.

My three for the year
Bijoux (with sweet Kerry, YEAH!!)
York Street

I haven't been to Steel in ages and was intrigued how they would be at restaurant week. They were pretty easy to get into. York Street is a pain in the butt, but they have the best restaurant week in town. They let you pick from the regular menu. No special menu or anything. Not like Nobu two years ago whose 3rd course was ice cream. Totally a rip off!

Other ones I would suggest:

How else do you get a good meal for $35 and most of the money goes to charity!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I was gonna be all deep

but then I turned on Miss. Universe and all the deep stuff went out the window.

What has become of the pagent circuit? The girls are the same. Miss. Venezuela is still super tall and a volleyball player and Miss. USA was from Texas, but the hosts were Jerry Springer and Mel B from the Spice Girls. WHAT??

There they are in Vietnam cruising along Halong Bay, my dream destination, wearing sashes and laughing. It was just so wrong, but I didn't change the channel. Couldn't do it. I was totally rubber necking and watching the traffic accident.

And then, Miss. USA fell during the evening gown competition. It was shocking. I literally sat up, put my hand on my chest, and took one of those overly dramatic girly inhales. But she picked herself up, walked the circuit, and kept smiling. It was quite impressive.

This would have totally been a good lesson learning moment for a little girl, but I took something away from it too.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

My cave

Years and years ago I had a friend Jenn who trully believed in the book "Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus". She dated according to the book. We all thought she was crazy, but she hooked herself an internal medicine resident at 22 and was married 6 months later. Maybe she knew what she was doing.

Anyway, she gave me a discourse once on how since time began, when men were tired or in a bad mood, they need to retreat to their cave. They need a minute by themselves to figure things out, detox, relax, and being women, we usually don't take this well because we want to talk to them and help. So, we are supposed to back off and let them hibernate until they are ready for us again.

Hmm. I don't really think this only applies to men. I cave all the time. Last night, I caved. My bedroom is my cave I'm guessing. I turn the house down to cold, which right now is 75, pull up the duvet and a good book and just curled up. I don't want to deal with anything or anyone.

The book of the moment which I picked up at the airport and finished last night was "Richistan". It talked about the lives of the uber wealthy. I was fascinated to see how people live and spend their money. I say I won't be like that when I make my million, but my ability to conspiculously spend as I've gotten older has really grown.

Tonight when I cave, I'm going to bring in my computer and maybe do some budgeting!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Playing Hooky

I was a bad bad girl. Well, my version of bad. I worked all day yesterday. Hour after hour of weight management cases. I read all this documentation about people trying to change their lives, but not doing very well. I was kinda tired and done. I needed a break. So, I picked up the rental car from the hotel and just drove myself to the zoo. I deserved it. I was in San Diego. What is more San Diego then the Zoo? Ok, maybe the Navy. I got lost and found the base, but I couldn't get on. So, I kept going until I got to the zoo.

It was me in my suit, sipping a coke from a monkey straw and watching all the sleeping animals. I swear, they all knew I was coming and decided to take a nap. They must know I'm a napper and thought I would be ok with it. Luckily, the hippos were awake.

We had a nice conversation through the foot thick glass

I had just read an ariticle on gorilla deaths the Congo in National Geographic and then I spied all these signs leading to the gorilla habitat, so I went. Ok, first thing I have to point out is that the San Diego zoo is built on a hill, and the gorillas are on the top of the hill. Imagine me walking up hill for ten minutes in heels dodging strollers and snotty kids. I was not a happy camper. By the time I got up to the gorillas, I was annoucing under my breath "this better be good". LUCKILY, they had just thrown some popcorn in the habitat and it was gorilla party time. Everyone came out for popcorn.

I sat there for a while, trying to get my heart rate back to normal, and followed the meandering herd to the zebras.

Overall, it was nice nice nice. I bonded with a mountain lion who looked like a big Penny. And I saw the koalas. I love the koalas. They just ate, and when they were done, they rolled over and slept. I kept expecting them to turn to me and start talking like a stoned crocodile hunter.

I need to detox like that more often.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Where I Could Live

I am leaving for San Diego for a couple of days. I'm really trying not to travel so much, but that doesn't seem to be working great this last month. I fear I may be in San Francisco soon.

Last night instead of counting sheep, I counted places I could live. San Diego and San Francisco are on the list, but I would need a significant pay raise.

The list (in no particular order):
San Diego
San Francisco
New York

I know I have listed everwhere that everyone wants to live, but to be honest, I could live anywhere. I survived 3 years in Detroit. I probably could do Billings if I had to or even Las Vegas.

6 years ago I dreaded moving to Dallas, but I sucked it up and did it. Dallas is kinda a scary town too, in its own way.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Tahir and his new spin

Almost five years ago, I made my first real job change. I went from a big power house consulting firm that was sucking away my life source and all my goodness to a small boutique firm that promised happiness, no travel, and a 36 hour work week. I believe of those 36 hours I only really worked 5 a week. I spent the rest o fthe time internet surfing and talking with people in the office.

Being as the office only had 14 people in it, you had a limited choice of who to talk to. I became close with a coworker of mine Tahir. Tahir had his own life philosophy. He called himself a neo-malthuseann. He was a reformed ladies man who was married with two kids. He decided to impart all his former playa wisdom to me. It made the day go quickly.

I have since changed jobs, but Tahir and I have kept in touch. We met the other night for dinner and again he passed off to me some of his worldly knowledge. We discussed the cowboy from the other weekend and how I couldn't get him out of my mind. Tahir said that I am genetically predispotioned to mate with that man or a man of that type. He went off for a good half hour about it. He said its all in my genes

I agreed. I was totally willing to mate with that man, but I'm not sure if it has anything to do with my genes. Next time I see him I will bring it up. Maybe it will be a good pickup line "do you know I am genetically predispositioned to mate with you? Should we do it now?"

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Someone, I won't name names, but someone was getting at me last night about my picture taking. They explained to me that they don't like to be in pictures. I understand this. I know. So, they questioned why when we went on vacation I kept taking incessant pictures of them. I pointed out that of the 150 pictures I had taken of our vacation, they were in exactly 8, and they needed to get over their issue. I don't like having 150 pictures of bridges and buildings. Personally, when others show me those kind fo pictures I clock out. I need to see at least one or two humans in them.

I've really tried to be better about picture taking. Ok, lately that has kind of gone down the toilet as my camera has permanently sat on my coffee table, but usually I try to be better about it because I realized a couple of years ago that I have no pictures from a good 6 years of my life. It was weird. There is a whole slew of friends whom I don't have a picture of.

Again, someone got at me last night. They said that they don't care about having pictures like that. They don't need pictures because the memory is in their head. Yeah, its in my head too, but I don't remember everything. And then all of a sudden I see a picture of something I'm missed, and it just makes me happy.

I did not point out that this same person who "doesn't like pictures" took about 10 of me at Katie Branch's birthday 4 years ago on a very early morning trail ride with no makeup. I'm just saying. I suck it up for others. Others can suck it up for me.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Saturday afternoon while I was relaxing off my food coma at my friend Jennifer's, I rediscovered the beauty that is cable. Ohhhh cable, how I love thee. You show good TV shows and movies all the time. We watched "The Invasion" for a little bit. Not a very good movie. I believe it was a remake of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" starring Nicole Kidman. We had issues with her the whole movie. She was supposed to be emotionless so that no one would infect her, and she was a huge ball of nerves. I mean she was the worst emotionless person ever!!

Anyway, I was having a conversation at dinner last night about a friend who had gotten married not too long ago, and quite honestly, it was one of those "invasion of the body snatchers" marriages. We never saw or heard from her again. She seemed to take on this whole new life of married. All her new friends were married and they were on co-ed athletic teams together. And you know I've seen them out with their married friends, and they are all blond and cute and excessively happy.

I don't know. I know tons of other people who seem to be able to handle marriage and friends. I don't want to lose myself to someone. Maybe that's my problem. It's not a fear of commitment per se, but rather a fear of becoming a freak from outer space with no personality who is just like everyone else.
