Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Early this morning, I get a notice from Facebook that my friend Andy from Michigan had accepted my friend request. I was so excited. I trully loved Andy. He was married to my old roommate Erica.

So, when I get on Facebook, imagine how happy I am when he connects to me via chat and wants to talk. I ask him how he is, and he says he isn't doing so good. He then explains he was robbed at gunpoint in London. I was aghast. I couldn't believe it.

He then says they took his phone and his credit card, but left his passport. His flight home is in a couple of hours, but he is having issues with the hotel. He can't get the bill paid. He wanted me to send him some money. He said he would refund it.

Immediately, my hackles came up. I haven't spoken to Andy in years, and he is contacting me over Facebook and wants me to send him money??? So, I go into detective mode. I start asking him how he is using a computer. He says he is at the library. I ask if his company has travel people he can speak to. I ask if he has called his family.

He responds that he has heard from some of his family, but they could only get enough money to pay for his return ticket. I'm again thinking, this is just wrong. Andy is very professional. Why would he buy a one way ticket to London?

Finally, I ask him about his mom. I know his mother would do anything for him and spend anything. I say why isn't she helping. He says she is waiting for a check to clear, and she is flat broke. Ok, lie lie lie. His mom is loaded. She lives in Lee Iacoca's house, the one he lived in when he turned around Chrysler. And she is waiting for a check to clear??

That is when I told him he was not Andy and to please leave me alone.

Afterwards, he dropped he as a friend on Facebook and dissappeared. I sent an email to Andy and his wife while I was having this conversation just to double check, but I hadn't heard back. I started having doubts. What if Andy's mom had lost everything due to the autos? Etc.

Andy wrote me back about ten minutes later and announced he was working from his couch in Okemos, Michigan and was doing A OK. He thanked me for the hack update. He said he is never on Facebook and someone, somehow got in, and changed the email address. So, even he can't get in and fix it.

Seriously, how awful are some people??

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A new predicament

We moved offices a couple of months ago. Everything is about the same as at the old office except the water dispensers and the bathrooms. Not to focus on potties yet again, but the new bathrooms have messed with my head.

The toilets flush automatically. I know this shouldn't be too big a deal, but I have become a slave to these contraptions. They flush incredibly quickly. You have to be super fast to get everything in. So now, when I got, where-ever I am, I am speedy gonzalez.

BUT, when it comes to flushing, I've become lazy. I'm not used to doing it anymore. I will stand up and wonder why nothing is going on back there. Its very confusing. I guess I've become a bit like pavlovs dog.

Friday, August 14, 2009

They call me shameless

I have come to discover something about myself. When I run for long periods of time, my body just kind of shuts down. Its putting all its energy into the running. So, all the other systems just seem to go haywire. The main one I'm having issues with is my, hmmm how do I put this, my going to the bathroom system. For some reason, within 20 minutes of starting to run, I have to go. ITS AWFUL!!

I am my own worst enemy too. I want to stay hydrated. So, I keep drinking water. I'm feeding the system. I am supposed to remember not to drink an hour before I go out. I should put sticky notes all over the house.

This Wednesday was awful. We are over at White Rock by the bathhouse doing hills. After the first warm up mile and the 2nd hill, I have the feeling. I hold it hold it hold it. I get through the fourth hill and start running the cool down mile, and I just can't take it any longer. We are passing the boat dock, and I see a suv parked there by the water. A perfect cover. I tell the girls I have to go, and I will meet them by the water fountain.

So, quick as can be, I run over to the side of the truck, squat and get er done. No one sees me. I am thinking I'm all good. I pull my stuff up, get all organized, and start jogging off. That is when I pass the drivers side of the truck to see, there was someone in it.

Classy. Yep, I'm classy.

Monday, August 10, 2009


This weekend, I was one. Seriously. I feel like I had been out every night the week before. Actually, I was out every night the week before. Friday, I was out a bit too late. Ug. That was just ugly. BUT, the wine was good and so was the company.

I don't know how I did it when I was 24. How did I drink until 2 am and then show up at work at 8 am, half asleep but still ready to perform? Saturday, I was a zombie. I kept pumping water into myself and eating Lara Bars. I took a 5 hour nap. And THEN I was human again.

So, being bad, I cancelled plans and hermitted up. I curled up on the couch with a book I'm determined to finish about an African childhood. Its hard reading. I mean she just goes off about how hard it was to live in Rhodesia as a white woman during the war of independence. Maybe I'm the crazy one, but I just keep thinking "who would choose to livin Rhodesia during a war???" But I kept reading.

Sunday, I was good as gold, woke up early, and went to run the Katy Trail. My friend who met me wasn't really into running though. So we didn't get much done. Mostly talked. I was all good with that too. And then I caught up with life. I cleaned a bit. I actually bought food. I paid bills. And then I took another looonnng nap.

Really I have no complaints. I need to do this more often.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A nice balance

I think I've finally struck it. The running took over my life for a while. I was seriously scheduling my life around the amoutn of mileage I had to run. But over the last couple of weeks, I think I've figured it out.

My life has seriously changed for the better though. I'm waking up early. Some people view that as a con, but for me its great. I get more done before 9 on a Saturday morning then I used to do on a whole Saturday.

My body is changing. I received two compliments about my butt in the last week. Just in case you didn't know, I've never had a bottom. They don't grow in my family. To actually have someone compliment me on mine and not in a pick you up kind of way made me feel fantastic.

I just feel good overall.

Don't get me wrong. I still have my usual dysfunctions, but they don't appear to affect me as much as usual. I'm ok all around. Life is too short to wallow. Seriously, I think a lot goes through your head when your running. Some very zen moments that just calm you down.

I'm liking the new me!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ohhhh Nooooo

I just went two weeks ago with my sister and one of my best friends. This is just tearing me apart.

I remember the first time I went to Lola. My mom was in town, we did dinner with four of my friends. Dave, an old wine friend who moved to Chicago, said he was going to order and pay for all the wine. And we let him. It was one of the best meals ever. Dave ordered about 4 bottles of white burgandy. He was in a mood. The conversation was great. Honestly, just a lovely night.

I don't know why this is upsetting me. I guess its because Dallas is losing a nice little restaurant that isn't hot or hip. It just makes good food. The wine list is amazing. The prices are right.

I'm just a little sad something special is going away.

Monday, August 3, 2009

How do they do that rock n roll lifestyle?

I have come to discover that my social life is inversely proportional to the amount of miles I run every week. I run 2 miles, I go out 5 nights that week. I run 6 miles, I go out 1 night that week.

This week I had a sports injury. No running. I was out and about constantly. Friday and Saturday, I was out until after 2 am. And, it absolutely almost killed me.

How do people do it??

I have to admit both Friday and Saturday, I was out of bed by 8 am. I'm guessing most of the rockstarish people were not. By Sunday, my body just shut down. It just didn't want to leave the house. It just wanted to sit on the couch and complain.

I did force it to leave the house and go running for a couple of miles. It wasn't happy, but it did it. I actually think it was happy because it figured out that once the running started, the social life would calm down again.

I think I have grown to like my early morning, not drink so much, and be health routine.

Who am I??