Saturday, December 27, 2008

A delicious bacon mistake

Its Christmas day. I have the lamb on the counter covered in olive oil, rosemary and thyme. I decide its time to make the green beans and bacon.

Everything starts out fine. I half cook up the bacon. I get the green beans together and wrap them in the bacon and put them in the metal pan. And then off to the side I make the marinade. Butter, brown sugar, worcestershire, and some soy. I proceed to pour it over the bacon and green beans, and then I notice the big brown smudge on the stove. The marinde was seeping out of the pan.

I immediately react. I put the pan with the bacon on top of the cooling pan of bacon grease. The marinade continues to drip into the bacon fat as I clean up the stove. I pull out another pan, and get the green been bundles into it. I check first that it has no holes. It doesn't.

I then turn to my marinade. I just decide to bite the bullet and pour the marinade and bacon fat onto the bundles. I put them in the fridge for three hours. I then bake them up in the over for 20 minutes at 350.

And what comes out is complete nirvana. OMG. Too damn good!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm a nerd

We were laughing so hard today at the office. Seriously over mortality table jokes. I kid you not. I was talking about this one soon to be ex client who is not very nice to me, and I just let it go by and am very sweet to him. No reason to be not nice. He is the one with the problem.

My bosses response "Well, we all die in the long run. No point in being mean while your alive. Gets you no where in the long run."

To which a coworker responded "We all have a seat at the mortality table." And we laughed and laughed.

Sad, its just sad. You can tell I work with a bunch of math people.

Family comes in tonight and they get to find for themselves around my house. I don't start officially entertaining them until tomorrow.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Two extremes

Friday. It took my a couple of days, but I finally got my stomach ready for Friday.

First off, I had my work groups lunch. My boss had decided to have us do something fun and picked Cowboy Chow in Deep Ellum. My real problem with Deep Ellum is that there are always twists and turns to get there, and you have to find parking. I luckily can find my way around, but I ended up navigating most of the rest of the group.

Cowboy Chow. In a nutshell, good, but not spectacular. There is an awful lot of chopped brisket around. They had these chips covered in a cheesy sauce for appetizers, and then a bunch of taco and sandwhiches for main courses. The only dessert was cookies. And they don't have their liquor license yet. So, we BYOB'ed it. It was a fun place for a get together, but I don't know if I will deal with Deep Ellum for it.

I say all that about how Deep Ellum annoys me, and then I go back there for dinner. Local. It was a final friends dinner before Christmas. IT WAS SO GOOD. Its always good there. I went a bit different this time. I got the champagne cocktail with the little dollops of grapefruit sorbet in it. And then the appetizers began. They brought fried green beans, butternut squash soup, crab cakes, and pumpkin ravioli. I eventually ate it all. Oh, it was good

Soup was just what I needed. All warm and creamy. I think that was my favorite. I've become a bit of a soupaholic lately. Hits the spot on cold days!

Overall a good food day, but a bit much. My poor tummy was groaning a bit. I slowed down on Saturday and took it easy.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Back on track

Ok, I have to say, anyone who reads my blog because of food related reasons, I will have something good for you tomorrow. In anticipation of a couple of reservations I have today, I stayed home the last couple of nights and really recouped and helped my stomach get back to fighting form.

In other news, the family is in town next week, and I'm cooking. So far, I only have three parts of the menu down:

deviled eggs
leg of lamb
mince meat pies

I probably should think of sides or other appetizers. Knowing me the other appetizeres will be cream cheese and that rasberry chipotle sauce with crackers, and sides will be roasted veggies and a corn cassarole.

I have a weekend to get my life in order and actually buy Christmas gifts and such.

How did I get so far behind??

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Be careful what you wish for

I seriously was complaining about how I needed to lose five pounds. Stomach flu/food poisoning worked the trick, but man it was a tough ride. I should have leart my lesson earlier in the year. I requested that I find a man who worshipped me. Yeah, I got that too. Being texted constantly and stalked gets a bit scary after a while. I dropped that idea.

Now, I just want a guy who likes me.

Anyway, in the ongoing tummy chrisis, I have fallen under flu like syptoms a couple of times, especially near bed time, which have resulted in some weird dreams.

Last night, I dreamed that I was back in college crying to my tennis teacher about how I can't believe he gave me a C. Now, this is a true story. I did cry when I went to discuss my grade with my tennis teacher. He was grading on ability, and I was very upset. I am not athletic and forced to take the class. I have no ability. He should have graded on improvement.

But anyway, I digress. So, I was crying to my tennis teacher, but he turned out to be James Earl Jones, who kept talking back to me like Darth Vadar. Just not very nice at all. And it made me cry harder.

So, I ran out of the gym, which in my dream was his private jet airplane, and wept my way across the tarmac.

What exactly does this mean???

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Prolonged Absence

Oh dear. So much to write about. But unfortunately, my tummy has decided to hate me. I woke up at 2 am and in the back of my brain I knew that something was wrong. I tossed and turned for a little bit, and then by 3 am I literally had to sprint out of bed into the bathroom, and stayed there for hours.

I called in sick. I never call in sick.

Of course, I turned on the computer and worked from bed when I could. Eventually I turned off the computer and took what my mom calls "a nice long nap". Penny and I just curled up and felt sorry for ourselves.

By 5 I was semi human, I called mom and requested some sympathy. She happily gave me some.

Sooo, enough complaining.

Things that have made me happy in the last week:
Watching the sunset at the Phoenix airport. I started taking pictures by the windown and had two people join me. I sat down and the woman behind me commented that the sunset was the reason she lived in Phoenix. I kind of get it.

Taking off to Seattle and spending the weekend with Kristine.

Dinner at Black Bottle last Friday night. Especially the pork belly and kim chi tapas.

Deep fried cheese curds at Steelhead diner.

Obtaining a copy of the New Moon and devoring it on the plane back to Dallas.

Ok, I shouldn't have mentioned food. But food is my life. Victoria with a bad tummy is like a day without sunshine.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm one of the suckers

I admit it.

I sit here at my desk at work wearing my new poncho. I bought it this weekend. I have received many many comments about it. Mostly, people have been commenting on how they had one like it 20 years ago. My boss said I was "rockin" it.

Yeah. I went to a craft show Sunday and was walking around buying cute purses and stuff when I spied a table full of afghans. Being an afghan guru myself, I walked over. It was a senior center selling their wares. All the money collected would go towards buying more supplies for their crafting group.

This one sweet woman showed me an afghan she had made, and then she said "I make ponchos too". And then she opened the box. Oh, they were fantastic. All these different slightly psychodelic colors. She admitted to being slightly myopic and color blind. I thought that made them all the better.

So, I bought one. My friend Sheri just looked at me like I was kinda crazy. Mine is different shades of blue and has tons of fringe. I love it!!

I'm rockin the poncho today and will be doing it most of the winter. Look out for me!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Caravelle Christmas

Every year Adam throughs a shin dig at his favorite Chinese restaurant, Caravelle. We get two big tables, bring bad gifts, wear silly hats, and just sit there and have the food come to us.

This year, we started out with fresh shrimp spring rolls and corn and crab soup. Hmm. I only had one spring roll. I didn't want to fill up.

Then came the parade of food:
Lemongrass tofu
Chicken and green beans
Crispy salted shrimp (with heads YAY!!)
Orange chicken
Beef with pan fried noodles
Peking duck

And then came time for presents. I got mine last December. My sister gave me what she thought was a perfect present, a frog in the lotus position. I'm not sure what about it was screaming Victoria. I kept it for a year in order to have a gift for Caravelle this year.

If you can believe, it was opened and people actually liked it. And it got stolen twice. In the end, Adam's dad ended up with it. He though it was great.

I stole a reed diffuser that was supposed to smell like cedar, it smelled awful. Ryan described it as smelling like urine cake. Ewwww. At least I didn't get the vintage bee honey dispenser.

Overall good night

Friday, December 5, 2008

Social networking sites

Ok, lets all be honest and name the sites where you have a profile. I will go first:


I think I have a livejournal floating out there somewhere, maybe. I'm sure I have more. I'm sure someone will remind me.

I don't know what it is, but how come "networking" sites somehow have the ability to turn into "highschool drama" sites? I'm not judging. I myself am the 14 year old who sped read her way through Twilight last week.

Why do we put ourselves through this. I know. It's all in the name to re-connect with high school friends we haven't talked to in 15 years. Seriously, if we were that close 15 years ago, wouldn't we still be talking??

Yesterday, someone deleted my comment. When I opened my profile this morning to check a comment some things, I saw it was gone. I was in shock. Why would anyone delete a comment where I beg them to vote for the SPCA?

(Um, psst, if you have a minute can you vote for the SPCA so they can win some money

I immediately try to remember what I wrote. I then email them to apologize and see what happened. I am told their site is professional, and they were cleaning it up. If I noticed something like that it must mean, I have too much time on my hands.


I think I open a pot of something, and being the girl who can't handle drama because it gives her ulcers, I'm gonna put the lid back on.

Hmmm, not so sure about social networking sites.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Mint

Last night I met with Elizabeth for dinner. I hadn't seen her in forever. She asked what I was craving, and I said comfort food. Just an FYI, in my world, comfort food is Thai food. Don't know why, but that's what fills me up and makes me happy.

Anyway, we decided to meet up at Mint, at Forest and 75. This is an easy go to place for us. Its not far from home and it has noodles and rice dishes that are yummy.

We started out with one of their far out sushi rolls for an appetizer. It was this yellow tail roll on acid. I forgot the name. It was yellow tail, jalapeno, and cream cheese rolled up and quickly tempurad, and then it had sirachai chili sauce and the mayo sauce squiggled on it. It was tasty. I did have a slight issue with how thick the tempura was. They could lighten up on that a wee bit. But otherwise, it hit the spot.

Then I got the yellow curry rice with chicken, and I had them add tomatoes. I love thai rice and the chunks of tomatoes. The plate came out and it was ENORMOUS. I think I got through about half of it. It was delicious. Nice bit chunks of chicken and the rice was not too spicy. It was warm and it filled me up. Thank god, since over dinner the temperature outside dropped by 20 degrees, and me with no coat.

Anyway, Elizabeth got pad thai, no sen. She loves how they have choices with that, and she is not a big carb eater.

I know some people scoff that Mint isn't very authentic. I personally go for the dishes that make me happy. And obviously, I'm not alone. The place was packed for a Wednesday night.

Good meal!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A little spot

I have one. On the tip of my tongue. Its like a taste bud that has gotten infected or something. I don't know what it is but ITS KILLING ME!!

I have spent the last two days subconciously playing with it. I believe it got it from the 1 pound bag of sour patch kids I inhaled over the weekend. Those things are evil. I should just not have them in my house or my life in general.

I used to get them as a child. My mom's cure was to have me wash out my mouth with salt water. Oh it was awful. Awful. And it didn't help. I swear she just made that up to make me stop eating candy.

So here I sit with my spot that appears now to be getting bigger since I keep playing with it. I guess that is the human condition.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving in a nutshell

November 25th
Run away from work at 4 and get on the road down to Houston. Drive like a demon through the Texas countryside and arrive in Katy, TX by 8:30. Not too shabby! That's even with the Conroe traffic. I only used the lords name in vain 3 times on that stretch of road.

Get greeted by my mother on the doorstep and walk inside to find my brother from Sweden and his lady. Stay up late catching up and eating cheese and pickle sandwhiches. Nothing better then sharp cheddar, kosher dills, and old fashioned mustard.

November 26th
Sleep in. Do nothing. Get a pedicure. Go to and Indian dinner and see Happy Go Lucky. What a great film! I love Mike Leigh. Stop really late by Walmart and pick up a copy of Twilight.

Side story - my friend Rhonda is a high school drama teacher. Her kids are addicted to this book, and she brought it to the llama farm to read so she could relate with them. I picked up and could not put it down. My craving for it for so bad I bought my own copy in Houston.

Proceed to get back into reading Twilight and stay up overly, overly late. My love for pre-teen literature knows no bounds.

November 27th
Sleep in. Get on the couch at around 10 am and proceed to watch the Macy's parade and read Twilight. Stay sitting on the couch through the Purina dog show. Finally, pick myself up and put on a dress for lunch. Go to lunch buffet, huffing the whole time. Thanksgiving is not supposed to be a go out for buffet kind of holiday for me. I prefer to home cook, but oh well. Mom didn't want to this year.

Spy an eight year old at the table next to us reading my book. Ask her how she likes it. Proceed to have a ten minute conversation with an 8 year old at a Thanksgiving buffet about the teenage, vampire, romance novel we are both reading.

She said the movie was not as good. Hmmm, I still think I'm going to go see it.

Go home and take a 4 hour nap. Stay up late reading and talking to my brother about how we have addictive personalities.

November 28th
Discover that my mother had gotten a free ham and turkey from the super market. She didn't want to cook for Thanksgiving so she froze them. Proceed to watch mother defrost said Turkey and Ham and cook them. Think to myself "why did we go to the buffet?"

Shake my head, go shopping for HOURS, come home, nap, and then meet up with good, old Claire. CLAIRE. I love her. She is officially so tired of being hounded by men, she is now wearing lesbian paraphenalia. She has a ring and a bracelet. I don't think many lesbians would be happy about that seeing as she is a stone, cold heterosexual female. I suggested she just get a fake wedding ring. She said men would find that more attractive and a challenge. I thought men would find the lesbian stuff attractive and a challenge too, but she disagreed.

November 29th

Wake up at a decent time, pack, load up the car with new clothes and a ton of food my mom cooked on FRIDAY (????) and drive home. Arive at said home which smelled like something had just died.

Spend hours cleaning out fridge, throwing out trash, and spraying lysol.
