Thursday, October 30, 2008

Newton's Third Law

"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

I am a firm believer in doing exactly what you want to do. I have no issue with that. I do what I want to do all the time. But, being who I am, one of the most responsible people that everyone knows, I always weigh the consequences before I dive headlong into the abyss. I usually know in the back of my mind what might happen, and I have accepted the outcomes.

A couple of weeks ago, I stood out on the edge of the diving board and looked down. I bounced a couple of times up and down. I wasn't sure about what I was taking on, but I decided in the end that this was what I needed to do. And as I jumped off and folded myself into the pike position, I internally braced myself for the cold water.

(sorry, going through some crap. i promise to get back to funny or food or funny food tomorrow)


Food Czar said...

Victoria, I hope it was a heated pool. Otherwise, I understand your concern. October is past prime swimming season, so the water was probably quite cold. (Unless, of course, you were speaking metaphorically rather than literally.)

Victoria is only a wee bit crazy said...

LOL. No heat.

October in general is just not a good month for me!