Friday, October 31, 2008

East Wind

For some reason, I started writing this blog, and I had Neil Diamonds voice singing in my head "hello, again, hello". Why you ask? Because last night I caught up with two old friends, Elizabeth and an old eating haunt of ours East Wind.

We got there at 6:30 and talked and ate and ate and talked and pracically closed the place down. It was good!!

We started out with an Acacia pinot noir and an order of their tropical spring rolls. I think it must be the mango and the crabmeat together. I'm not sure, but something in those rolls just makes me a very happy girl. Its got to be the mango.

Then I treated myself to the fried shrimp crepes. I just love these. They are pretty good at Mai's, but they are heaven at East Wind. Not too fried. With a nice side of lettuce and cilantro and a big bowl of fish sauce. I'm just a mess when I eat these. I never wrap the lettuce around the crunchy crepe tight enough, and I get fish sauce all over my hands (and face), but once I actually get the food into my mouth, its just good stuff!!

And you couldn't beat the conversation.

Ah East Wind, even though I don't visit you often, I do think about you fondly.

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