There are really a lot of things that make me happy to see. To name a few:
My family
Big Tex
Big Tex (aka Mary Alice's boyfriend) just makes me smile. He always scares me when he moves, but I will focus on the smile part.
Last night was my first fair night of the year. Mary Alice had written me last week and said she was going with a group and they would be playing State Fair BINGO. I didn't quite get the BINGO part until I looked at the playing cards. Each space under B I N G and O was filled with a description of an individual you would usually see at the fair. Mary Alice provided daubers, and we stood out in front of Big Tex and started looking. I unfortunately got too sucked into the people watching to use my dauber. There was just too much to see:
Kids on leashes (one was actually on a chain)
Many many large people on electric scooters (its like Medicare just gives those away)
Muffin tops (non edible)
Mullets (business in the front, party in the back)
I ate my body weight in fried food, which is really what the State Fair is all about. My dinner consisted of fried BBQ egg rolls. They were very tasty. I thought I should have a vegeatable, so I shelled out for a side of fried green beans. I'm not really sure how nutritious they were, but they were really good with the ranch dipping sacue.
We then ran outside and found the Pirate Ship. YEAH. I love the Pirate Ship. I was good and didn't have any change in my pockets. I usually lose money on that ride.
Then we wandered, and wandered, and wandered around the midway. Mary Alice won a monkey. She already had one and really didn't need another, but I'm glad she won. I'm not bitter or anything.
Then, we went on the claw. That was super duper fun. Unfortunately, it didn't go for very long. I'm told that they don't do the rides as much on cheap Tuesdays. Not fair. Just because people are frugal doesn't mean they should be punished.
I started noticing it was getting late, and I hadn't eaten half the fried food on my list. So, I dragged Cherry away and ran back to Big Tex to get some fried cheese curds. Very tasty. I was munching on those when we went on our hunt to find Cherry's deep fried chocolate covered strawberries. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. Seriously. Those were the best fried things I have ever eaten. EVER. We were stuffing them in at the stand and making dirty sounds.
We started running to find the chicken fried bacon, but kind of got a bit waylaid by the deep fried chocolate truffle. 100% ghiradelli chocolate. You can't pass that up!! I got the last one. I should have stopped. It was so good, but I shouldn't have stopped. The bacon was closing up by then. Booo.
I guess this means I'm gonna have to go back because
1) I got no bacon and
2) I didn't get to ride the Ferris Wheel. No one wanted to pay or wait in line with me for it.
Next week maybe?? Anyone free??
one monkey is NEVER enough.
big fun.
i'm for sure up for one more trip.
Sounds like good times had by all! Sorry I missed it... OK, not really, because I would have to be living in Dallas to miss it. But I miss the peoples of Dallas!
We're probably going again next Thursday night or Friday day.
One of my favorite things about Victoria is her penchant to say/write "Booooo..." about life's little disappointments. I think it's an underused expression outside of sports arenas. Keep it up Victoria! :)
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