Friday, November 21, 2008

Little Sweety

I invited myself to Julie's last night to meet the puppy. The woman has walking pneumonia, but Jesse was over. I thought I deserved to see the puppy, walking pneumonia or not.

Oh what a sweet little boy he is. He slept on my lap for about 2 minutes. He is gray with black spots and one eye is blue and one eye is brown. And his tail curls up at the end. Still no name yet. So we just call him puppy.

It got me thinking about puppies and babies in general. I know that they are cute on purpose. Its supposed to help the mother bond with them more. Honestly, baby anythings are adorable. Kittens, bears, orcas.

But every once in a while I will see a human baby and just be like "oh dear". Seriously. But the mother thinks its the most beautiful thing on earth. I love that. I never know what to say in those situations. So I just say "oh, its a baby". Now I gave my ugly baby secret away. Don't tell!


Unknown said...

I think ugly babies serve a purpose too.
Its a little nudge to wrap it up for people. And I think its a payback of when you do bad things like make fun of fat german kids. So I never make fun of little rotund children from deutschland for fear of my children being stricken with bitter beer face.

Anonymous said...

Your post just reminded me of a Seinfeld episode. Do you remember the one about the ugly baby? What a great show.

Food Czar said...

We used to know a priest that said something similar when presented with an ugly baby. She said, "What a baby!!" The beaming parents heard what they wanted to hear, and all was right with the world.

Anonymous said...

Loki loves his Auntie V!!