See these puppies, they need homes. Right now their names are Sleepy and Spot, but you could name them whatever you want.
I know your thinking, "I don't need a dog. That is too much responsibility." I agree, hence why I'm writing this blog. A cat is about all I can take with my work schedule and intense need to see people and eat out.
I do get a bit judgemental of people sometimes. I have friends who have the sweetest dog who is treated like a king, when the parents are in town. They are constantly working and traveling. And when that happens, the pup is taken off to the puppy day care and the kennel. How is that exactly having a pet? You travel and work all the time so you can see your dog on the weekends?
Ok, I will stop. But don't even get me started on people who give away their dogs and cats because they are pregant, having a new baby, or moving in with a new person. I just think that's awful!!
Pets are a huge responsibility, and people should take them seriously. When we travel, we don't just take our cat, Sterling, to a kennel. We have a trusted friend look in on her daily, scoop her litter, give her fresh water, and make sure her automatic feeder is full. For her service, our friend receives future considerations, usually in the form of dinner, a gift, or perhaps a bottle of wine. It's the only way to go!
I'm right there with you! I love our little Carlos who isn't so little any more. He's our pride and joy. I've had cats my entire life. I can't remember a time when one was left at a kennel while we traveled. We always had someone look after our babies at the house.
Hands off, Spot! I'm going to meet him tomorrow!! :) And P.S. If I do end up bringing him home, he will definitely get a new name.
When you think about it, can't the same be said about people and their kids? Although if there's intense travel it's usually just one parent, not both, but I do know some situations where both parents travel. And the kid(s) stay with family or a live-in nanny while the parent(s) are out of town. Why have kids?
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