Thursday, November 20, 2008

My morning routine

The alarm went off at 5:30 am.

I pressed snooz.

The cat jumped on the bed and tried to wake me up.

I buried myself under the duvet and hid.

The alarm went off again.

I snaked my hand out from under the duvet and pressed snooz.

I had a good mini dream about Gerard Butler.

The alarm went off again.

I actually get up.

I zombie walk down the dark hallway to the kitchen.

I trip over the cat four times in my attempt to get her kitty treats.

I zombie walk down the hallway to the bathroom, turn on the light, and look in the mirror.

I roll my eyes at the bad bed hair and bags under the eyes in the face that greets me.

I spend half an hour trying to transform myself into a human being.

I eventually give up.

I suit up.

I wander in the light of dusk down to the kitchen, open the freezerm and peruse through the frozen wasteland to see what I might be able to defrost by lunch time.

I give the cat a hug.

I clomp out the door, breakfast in one hand, brief case in the other and mutter to myself "time to make the donuts".

It's been a long week!!!

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