Friday, November 7, 2008


I had a quick discussion with the roommate last night about my sign. I'm not a huge astrology person. I used to check yahoo's horiscopes daily when I dated this hippy guy, but once he and his patchoulli left me life, so did the horiscopes.

Anyway, I looked up the definition of me. I agree with most of it:
Aquarians are always ahead of their time
Aquarians form their own opinions, disregarding and perhaps even disdaining the orthodox
They are open-minded but once they make a decision, their mind (at least on that subject) closes.
They avoid routine and anything else that may lead to boredom. Aquarians are outgoing and find friends to share their adventures easily.

The part I'm not quite buying:
Aquarians tend to avoid hard work and will fulfill their potential best working with ideas

I do think most definitions of star signs tell us what we want to hear. Notice above I only buy the good parts that I think apply to me. Being the aquarian I am, I will be open-minded, but I've pretty much decided its bumpkiss.


Food Czar said...

Victoria, I tend to put more stock in personality types. I tend to use the classic Greek definitions: Dionysians (risk takers, firefighters, mountain climbers), Epimethians (keepers of structure and order. They live and die for rules, are reliable, but lack creativity), Promethians (scientists, academics, and craftsmen, always building things or ideas), and Apollonians (philosophers, poets, seekers after God, and artistic types). I'm mostly Apollonian, with some Promethian thrown in. Together these two types only make up about twenty percent of the population, while Dionysians and Epimethians make up the other eighty percent. Using these types, which one do you think fits you best?

Unknown said...

is this when i remind you that i'm an aquarian also??


Victoria is only a wee bit crazy said...

FC. What am I? I'm a bit of everything. I'm a risk taker who follows the rules. I'm an acadmic and an artist. Can one be all four?

Food Czar said...

Yes, everyone will exhibit traits of all four personality types. However, one or two always dominate, and I would suggest from your previous posts that you are probably an artist. True risk-takers rarely reflect on much of anything. People who religiously follow rules are usually married and/or have kids by their mid-twenties. Since you don't seem to fit these types, I would suggest you are primarity Appolonian/Promethian, or in plain English, artist/academic.

Victoria is only a wee bit crazy said...

Ok, I buy that. Artist/academic. Hmmm. Do they have a horoscope for them? lol