Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm stuck

As some may know, last January, my cell phone went caput when I was visiting a friend for vacation in Colorado. In my desperation, I went to a phone store and just bought the cheapest thing they had and signed a contract.

Its been a number of months and this poor little phone has slowly but surely disintegrated before my eyes. I don't think it helps that I drop it about once a week and generally treat it very unkindly.

I decided over the weekend it was time to invest in a new phone. I went over to TMobile to see what I could get. They had all these new shiney phones that did everything but cook you breakfast. They appearred to be reasonably priced, but then we started getting into the nitty gritty. They were only reasonably priced if you were a new customer. If you were an old customer, they were about the price of a mortgage payment.

I looked at the girl like she was crazy. I didn't get it. I've been a loyal customer for over 6 years, and I have to donate blood in order afford a phone, but I completely new person gets one half price. What is up with that?

I shook my head and started walking out. Do I really need a new phone that badly?


Anonymous said...

It doesn't pay anymore to be a loyal customer, we always get skewered in the end. If you hop from one service provider to another, you're treated like a newly annointed queen or something...

Anonymous said...

I know- could they make it any harder for you to buy a new phone? We have T Mobile also and I needed a new phone-- Sarah's sippy cup leaked into my phone. Ahh the joys of motherhood.

Anyway, it was soooo expensive! Our contract expires in a few mos and I don't think we'll stay with them so I just wanted something to tide me over. Finally, the guy just pulled me aside and told me to go to Target, buy a cheapy TMobile phone, and switch out the SIM card. I had to get one of those phones where the numbers are super big so old people can see them. This phone has NO other options than to be a phone :( But I only need it till March...