Yesterday, I had a day. It was going fine until 4 o'clock. At 4 o'clock I had the pleasure of sitting across from a man and being treated like a 2 year old for an hour. He seriously reeked of condescention. It was like he knew all the answers to his questions I was giving were wrong, even before I gave them. After about fifteen minutes with him, all that was going through my head was "I really don't like you. And I like everybody. But you, no, you, I don't like."
God it was awful.
I knew I had a work dinner. So, I ran to the gym to get things off my chest. I maybe got in 20 minutes. I just kept doing intervals on the treadmill. Just something. I hate being talked down to and was just so upset. I kept running and wearing myself out, then not running. I must have looked really bipolar.
Then I ran out to Las Colinas for dinner at Republic. I'm not even going to go into it, but the restaurant was horrible, the food was horrible. Just really a waste of time. Add on that I was in a combative mood. This all led to a pretty horrendous meal.
At the end, my boss pulled me aside, gave me a hug, and said "honey, you need to grow a thicker backbone. Your not going to get ahead unless you can stand up for yourself."
This weekend, I start taking my testosterone shots I guess.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
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Victoria, you've been through the ringer a bit lately, haven't you? The holidays are coming. Please take time to pamper yourself. You deserve it!!
Life is not treating you so well here lately, is it?!? Do you want to do a spa day while you're visiting?
I vote you grow a beard and tell your boss to suck it.
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